Library Facilities and Resources

  • Library Facilities and Resources

Library Facilities and Resources

Meeting Room Policy

The East Hampton Public Library maintains meeting rooms primarily for library-related activities. When not in use by the Library, meeting rooms may be reserved by non-profit, community or civic groups at no charge. Commercial entities may use rooms for a $50 fee. Rooms are not available for personal or social use (birthday parties, baby showers, etc.) All events must be free and open to the public.

Room Reservation

Room reservations will be accepted in the order of priority shown below.  The library reserves the right to reschedule meetings based on these priorities.

  • Meetings sponsored or co-sponsored by the library.
  • Meetings held by a Town Department or Official.
  • Meetings held by East Hampton non-profit groups.
  • Meetings held by non-profit groups outside of East Hampton.
  • Meeting held by for-profit organizations.

The library reserves the right to deny requests for use of the room or to cancel a reservation which has been made.  Notice of cancellation of a reservation to use a meeting room, for any reason, will be given as far in advance as possible.

Room reservations may be made up to 3 months in advance.

Organizations may have no more than 2 bookings of the meeting spaces per month.

To request use of a meeting room, room users, excepting academic study groups and student/tutor sessions are required to complete an Application for Use of the East Hampton Community Room or Local History Room and submit the same to the library.   Meetings are not scheduled until approval from the Library Director or his/her designee.

Maximum seating capacity of the Community Room is 80; in-library meeting rooms have a capacity of 6.  Attendance must be limited to the posted capacity of the room.

The Library Director, at his/her discretion, may allow use of the Community Room when the library is closed. Following approval of a reservation, a key fob for after-hours use of the Community Room can be checked out at the Circulation Desk during regular service hours up to one week prior to the meeting. The key fob will unlock only the front door of the building and can be returned in the Library’s Book Return inside of the envelope provided at checkout following the meeting. Key fobs that are not returned will be disabled and the organization will be charged a $10 replacement fee, which must be paid before they will be allowed to reserve the room again. The Library Director reserves the right to limit the number of events that happen after hours.

Please note, if the library closes for inclement weather, even if the group has already obtained a key fob to the building, meeting room spaces are not to be used.

Meetings held in the Local History Room must take place and begin/end during the library’s public service hours.


Rooms are available at no charge if the reserving organization is either a government, non-profit, community or civic organization.

A room may be reserved by a commercial entity or for-profit organization for a $50 fee. Fees may be paid by cash or check made out to the ‘Town of East Hampton’ due upon room use.

The organization will be held financially responsible for any damage to library equipment or premise. For groups using the facilities outside of normal Library hours, damage occurring in any of the accessible spaces (Community Room, hallway, kitchen, and bathrooms) as a result of failure to properly secure the building will also be the responsibility of the group.

A cleaning fee of $50 will be assessed if meeting room or kitchen facilities are not left in an orderly and clean condition.

Rules and Regulations

Sales of products or services, soliciting donations other than in conjunction with a program or event sponsored or hosted by the library, and/or fundraisers sponsored by non-profit organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and will be approved at the sole discretion of the library.

Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed anywhere on library property.   Smoking or vaping is also not allowed.

The reserving organization is responsible for setting up and putting away furniture within the time reserved. The room should be left as found. 

Kitchen facilities for serving light refreshments are available by previous arrangement.

Organizations must request prior permission to use the piano in the Community Room.  If permission is given for the piano’s use, tuning is to be done at the organization’s expense by the library tuner.

Organizations must request prior permission to use the projector, sound system or lectern in the Community Room.  Reserving organizations are responsible for supplying their own laptop. 

Decorations, posters etc. may not be affixed to any part of the building (inside or out) without the express permission of the Library Director or his or her designee.

Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance or as soon as possible by calling the library at 860.267.6621.  Multiple cancellations or failures to appear for room reservations may result in the loss of meeting room privileges. 

The organization using a Meeting Room is responsible for supervising the meeting and ensuring that meeting attendees adhere to the library’s Code of Conduct. Meetings that will interfere with normal library use will not be permitted. Failure to comply with library policies and Code of Conduct will result in a cancellation of the event and/or a denial of future requests for use of the room.

All groups using any meeting room shall agree to hold the Library and Town of East Hampton and all library staff harmless from, and not hold them liable for, all costs, damages, losses, claims and expense incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the group’s use of a meeting room. 

The signed Application for Use of the East Hampton Community Room or Library Meeting Room constitutes a release by the group and each and all its members of any claim against the library, the Town of East Hampton and the library staff for any injury to persons or damage to property suffered by such group or any of its members during or as a result of the use of the meeting room. 

The library reserves the right to prohibit the use of meeting rooms by any organization that does not comply with this policy. 

The Library Director reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy as deemed appropriate and to establish the procedures and fees necessary to implement it. 

(Approved by the Library Advisory Board 6/3/24. Approved by the Town Council 6/11/24)


Photography Policy

The East Hampton Public Library reserves the right to use photographs or video taken at the library for publicity purposes in printed materials and online.  All library patrons consent to the use of their photo taken at the library or during library events, unless they specifically inform staff of an objection to such use. No names will be used in conjunction with photos without express written consent.

The library does not permit commercial photography on or in its facilities. The library permits research photography of its materials and resources within certain limitations. Researchers and journalists are responsible for obtaining their own permissions when photographing copyrighted material in the library. Casual amateur photography and videotaping is permitted in library facilities for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit. The use of additional equipment such as lighting is not permitted.  Any other photography inside or outside of the library is not permitted without previous authorization from the Library Director or his/her designee. 


Display Case Policy

The East Hampton Public Library welcomes exhibits and displays that will educate, inform, or entertain the community. When not in use by the library, the display case is available for non-commercial exhibits.  

Community groups and individuals shall request use of the display space in writing using the designated form, which details the scope of the display. The Library Director shall have final authority over the selection, arrangement, placement, and duration of display.  

Display case exhibits are scheduled for one calendar month at a time and scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups or users displaying their items may only have the display case once a year in order to give fair and equitable access to all who wish to use the display case. Preference is given to East Hampton organizations and residents.  

Groups or individuals are responsible for creating their exhibits, setting them up according to schedule, and removing them before the next scheduled user. Placement and removal of exhibits may be conducted only during regular library hours. Furthermore, users are responsible for any publicity regarding materials in the case. Any publicity by the Library will be at the discretion of the Library Director.  

Nothing may be sold in the display cases and no donations may be solicited by the user. The Library will not accept displays which are judged illegal, offensive, or inappropriate for a public library setting. Display of material does not constitute endorsement of the content by the East Hampton Public Library. The Library reserves the right to direct the exhibitor to remove all or a portion of the display at any time.  

The Library assumes no responsibility or liability for the preservation, protection, loss of or damage to any part of an exhibit. All items placed in the display case are done so at the owner’s risk. The library will take reasonable precautions to protect items exhibited, but exhibitors must recognize that the library is a public building used by a large number of people. Library staff cannot be held responsible for the preservation or protection of items on exhibit.  

(Approved by the Library Advisory Board 8/5/24. Approved by the Town Council 8/13/24.)


Bulletin Board Policy

The library’s lobby bulletin is used to post general community or government information, as well as announcements of nonprofit community events and cultural activities. Because of limited space, items are posted at the discretion of the library staff, with library information and activities being given preference. Commercial notices are prohibited.  All notices must be approved by the Library Director or his/her designee.  All notices not previously approved will be removed.

The library may place signs or announcements of library and Town-sponsored events on the exterior of the building or lawn. Lawn sign announcements of non-library, community, and cultural events may be posted at the library’s discretion.


Hand Out Literature Policy

The library may serve as a distribution point for free literature for government, non-profit or community organizations.  All literature must be approved by the Library Director or his/her designee.  All literature not previously approved will be removed.


Reproduction Request Policy

The East Hampton Public Library provides a copier and scanner as a convenience for researchers and other patrons who occasionally need a limited number of duplications.  The public copier is not intended to serve as an alternative to commercial printing services.

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.  The library is not responsible for any copyright infringement or fair use violation committed by individuals using the machine.

Certain rare and fragile materials may not be available for duplication.

Material may not be used in any commercial or public way, other than personal research, without the permission of the library. With permission, attribution must be given.

The library offers copying for a per page fee to be set by the Library Director.  Such fees are to offset the expense of paper, ink and upkeep of printers.


Internet and Technology Use

In order to meet the information needs of Town citizens, the East Hampton Public Library provides access to the Internet through wired and wireless connections.

The East Hampton Public Library is unable to monitor or control the content of material available through this medium. While some of the information on the Internet is of very high quality, some material may not be accurate, authoritative, appropriate, or timely.

Guidelines for Computer and Internet Use

  • Parents/guardians of children under 18 are responsible for their children’s use of the Internet.
  • Users must sign in to use the next available computer and sign out at the end of their session.
  • Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • No more than two people are permitted at any workstation.
  • The library reserves the right to limit the amount of time permitted at a computer.
  • The library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session at any time for inappropriate use.
  • The library reserves the right to limit or deny computer use based off fines or fees owed to the library.
  • Users may not change settings and configurations of computers.
  • When listening to something on the computer, the use of headphones is required. The library does not supply headphones. 
  • The availability of staff to offer technical assistance with computers or the internet may be limited.
  • Patrons assume responsibility for any personal information released on library computers. Library computers may not be secure and may be accessible to others.

The library offers printing for a per page fee to be set by the Library Director.  Such fees are to offset the expense of paper, ink and upkeep of printers.

Use of the library’s computers or internet connection constitutes an acceptance of its policies.  Any violation of library policies may result in suspension or loss of computer, internet or library privileges.


Facsimile Policy

The library offers facsimile services for a per page fee to be set by the Library Director.  Such fees are to offset the expense of staff time, paper, ink and upkeep of the facsimile machine. 

The library offers a confirmation sheet that the facsimile has been transmitted.  It does not guarantee that the facsimile has been received by the recipient. 


Program Policy

In order to meet the informational needs of the Town, the East Hampton Public Library provides free programs, events, lectures and workshops.

All library programs are open to the public.  Due to space or resource limitations, however, pre-registration may be required for library programs.

The library uses the following criteria when scheduling programming:

  • Community needs and interest
  • Space, resource and staff availability
  • Presentation quality
  • Presenter qualifications in content area
  • Budget
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to library collection, resources or exhibits

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute endorsement of the content of the program.  The library does not sponsor programs for commercial, religious or partisan purposes or for the solicitation of a business.

Concerns about library programming should be directed to the Library Director.


Local History Room Policy

The East Hampton Public Library Local History Room serves as both a meeting room as well as a repository for irreplaceable historical artifacts.  As such, patrons wishing to use the room must abide by the rules and procedures contained in this policy.  Any violation of library policies may result in suspension or loss of library privileges.


The Local History Room is available for use as a meeting room or for local history and genealogy research during normal library hours.   

Under certain conditions, the room may be reserved in advance.  Please see: Meeting Room Policy

If the room has not been reserved, use of its space is available on a first-come first-served basis. 

As the Local History Room is a public space, users should not assume privacy when using the room.  Patrons may not restrict other’s use of the room. 

The library reserves the right to inspect a patron’s personal property when leaving the room.

Use and Care of the Collection

Certain parts of the local history collection are kept in cabinets.  Patrons may request access to these cabinets at the Circulation Desk.  

Patrons are expected to handle all items with care.  Any damage to library materials should be reported immediately to staff.  Some items may not be available for patrons to handle. 

Staff may limit the number of materials that patrons may use at one time.

Patrons may make photocopies or take digital photographs of most materials for their own personal use only.  The patron assumes all copyright responsibility. 

Patrons will leave items on the table to be reshelved by library staff members when finished using them. 

(Approved by the Library Advisory Board 9/10/18. Approved by the Town Council 9/25/18)


East Hampton Public Library Proctoring Policy

The East Hampton Public Library will provide test proctoring to library patrons in accordance with the following guidelines:

Scheduling and Availability

  • Appointments must be made a week in advance of the test day.
  • Tests may only take place during the following Library hours: 10 AM- 4 PM Monday-Friday.
  • Tests must be completed at least an hour before the end of the testing schedule (or by 4 PM).
  • Due to staffing constraints, the Library does not guarantee that all requests for proctoring will be met, nor are we able to accommodate evening or weekend appointments.

Patron and Testing Institution Responsibilities

  • The patron must arrive on time, with a valid photo ID, and required testing supplies.
  • The patron must have the testing institution send the exam by mail or email.
  • The patron and/or testing institution may also use online tests.
  • Computer and/or online tests must be compatible with available Library hardware and software.
  • The patron must provide materials (envelopes, postage, etc.) for a completed exam’s physical delivery back to the testing institution. The Library is not responsible for any costs involved in returning written examinations.
  • The patron and/or testing institution are responsible for any printing or faxing fees in accordance with Library policies.
  • The patron and/or testing institution are responsible for all other testing costs, including but not limited to mailing costs, printing costs, faxing costs, and testing fees.

Library and Proctor Services and Functions

  • The Proctor is the Library Director or their designee.
  • The Proctor will complete required forms.
  • The Proctor may only sign a proctoring verification form that accurately reflects what the Proctor has been able to do.
  • The Proctor will enforce test time limits and other test rules.
  • Monitoring requirements may have to be limited.
  • The Library is not responsible for test interruptions.
  • The Library may scan, mail, or fax completed examinations at the patron and/or testing institution’s request. As noted above, the patron and/or testing institution are responsible for related costs.

Proctoring Restrictions

  • The Library will not modify Library hardware, software, or security.
  • The Library will not retain patron electronic files in any way.
  • The Library will not retain any testing information or documents. All proctoring related files will be deleted or destroyed once the test is completed, or the computer session has ended.
  • The Library is not responsible for unsaved or lost data at any point during the testing process.
  • The Library will not proctor exams brought in by the patron themselves. As noted above, they must be provided by the testing institution via mail, email, or online testing site.
  • The Library will not proctor an exam if the Proctor’s personal contact information is required. Only professional contact information will be provided (i.e., Library mailing address, Library phone number, and/or Library email address).
  • The Proctor will not be able to monitor a patron continuously during an exam but may check on the patron periodically.
  • The Library will not be responsible for any delayed delivery of exams, nor for any completed exams once they leave the Library’s possession and have been returned to the testing institution.

(Approved by the Library Advisory Board 9/19/22. Approved by the Town Council 9/27/22. Adopted 9/27/22.)

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