Homework Help

Homework Helper at Your Service

First, question: when is your assignment due?

Yikes, it’s due tomorrow! If you need a book resource, check out our library catalog and see if we have anything in-house that you can check out today.  But, if you’re reading this at home and you can’t get to the library, take a look at the links to the many digital resources below, including access to online newspapers, magazines and journal articles, arranged by subject. Your library card number is required for many of the resources, so always keep it handy.
Feeling good, I’ve got a week. Great! You can use all of the resources listed above, PLUS you’re not limited to only the books in East Hampton so you can request books from other libraries and we’ll get it to you fast!
I’m ahead of the game, it’s not due for 2 weeks or more. Now you have lots of options, including the digital resources below, plus our multi-library collections of books and media. And explore the Connecticut statewide catalog.  

As always, if you have questions, call us! We’re happy to help!

Digital Resources

General Topics: 

Explora for Middle Schools(Library Card Required)  An interface designed specifically for middle school students with an emphasis on topical browsing for age-appropriate articles. 

Explora for High Schools (Library Card Required) An interface designed specifically for high school students with an emphasis on topical browsing for age-appropriate articles.

ResearchIT CT OneSearch (Library Card Required)A great all-purpose database of newspaper, magazine and academic journal articles for those doing scholarly research for school assignments.  

Plus! The East Hampton High School Library offers research databases and reading activities.  Don’t forget to check them out too!

Digital Resources, by Topic

People, Places, and History:

Ancestry.com – Connecticut State Library Collection (Library Card Required)  – The complete Connecticut State Library collection is now available through Ancestry.com 

Biography Reference Center (Library Card Required) – Biography Reference Center offers a comprehensive collection of more than 461,000 full-text biographies.

Historical Hartford Courant (1764-1922)(Library Card Required)  Access articles from the Hartford Courant from 1764 – 1922.              

Heritage Quest Online (Library Card Required) Genealogy and family history resources that includes census records, city directories and more.

Social Studies for Kids: Up-to-date information on current event topics including such topics as the environment, education, US events, world events, science, and Egypt and Africa.

Current Events:

CNN Student News: A daily news broadcast for students. Also includes discussion questions and links to articles for further information.

Student News Daily: Features news and current events with specific articles highlighted each day. Includes an end of the week quiz.

PBS Speak Out: Features current event articles and videos geared towards students


Science Reference Center(Library Card Required)  Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.  Great for students!

Science Reference Center(Library Card Required)  Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.  Great for students!

Careers and Beyond:

  • LearningExpress | Workforce Solutions  

    LearningExpress Workforce Solutions (featuring Job & Career Accelerator) contains hundreds of resources ― such as resume builders, tutorials, practice tests, e-books, articles and flashcards ― to help users achieve high school equivalency, explore jobs and careers, prepare for occupational certification exams, learn Microsoft Office and Adobe software, and develop the core knowledge and skills that are essential to workplace success.

Legal Information Reference Center (Library Card Required)  Contains hundreds of full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis

Need more help?  Call us, we’re always happy to help!  Or come into the library with your assignment.  We’ll get you on track!

What are you looking for?

The Library is closed on Monday, February 17 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 10am.

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