Shoutbomb Text Messaging

ShoutBomb Text Messaging


Receive text messages when:
Items you requested are ready for pickup
Items you borrowed are almost due
Items you borrowed are overdue

Text the library to:
Renew your items. Our items already automatically renew if no one has placed a hold on it, but it is an option to do it yourself with Shoutbomb.

Sign up for free! (Standard texting rates apply)
Text the word SIGNUP to (844) 213-2295. You will receive a reply asking for your library card number. Text your library card number (under the barcode). You will receive a confirmation text. You may opt in to receive library news alerts using the commands listed below.

ADDCARD – Add new card(s) (i.e. spouse, children) to the same phone
ALL – Request to renew all eligible items, including overdues
DROPCARD – Remove cards from phone
IOWEU – Request amount of current fines owed.
ISBN – Text the letters ISBN and a 10- or 13-digit ISBN number to search the library catalog
MYBOOKS – Request a list of all current checkouts
MYCARDS – View your registered card number(s) and expiration date(s) of the account(s)
OA – Request to renew all overdue items
QUIT – Discontinue the text messaging service
RA – Request to renew all eligible items (not overdues)
RL – Request for list of eligible items (not overdues) to choose to renew
LDNEWS – Register to receive important updates from the library (i.e. emergency closings)

Full list of commands available at:

What are you looking for?

The Library is closed on Monday, February 17 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 10am.

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