Computers & Technology

  • About
  • Computers & Technology


Public Computers
The East Hampton Public Library has 8 computers available for public use including 3 specifically for children. Each computer has internet access and a full suite of Microsoft products.

Computers are available to all library patrons and you do not need a library card to access a computer. Time limits may apply. The Library’s Technology Policy can be found here.


Free wireless internet is available throughout the Library. No registration or password is required.  The Library also offers mobile printing from your phone, tablet or computer.  Please see our mobile printing page for more information.


All library computers are connected to a black and white and color printer. Printing is $.10 per black and white page and $.90 per color page. The Library also offers mobile printing from your phone, tablet or computer.  Please see our mobile printing page for more information.


The Library has a copy machine available for public use. Copying is $.10 per black and white page and $.90 per color page. The copy machine takes coins and dollar bills.


The Library offers scanning services through our copy machine. It is possible to scan documents or photos to a flash drive or directly to an email address. Scanning is free.


The Library offers faxing services. Faxing is $.50 per page. All pages must be single sided. The Library offers a confirmation sheet that the facsimile has been transmitted. It does not guarantee that the facsimile has been received by the recipient.


The Library offers laminating services. The fee is $1.00 per page.


3D Printing

The Library offers 3D printing services. The current cost for 3D printing is $1.00 for anything under 3 hours and $.50 for each additional hour. Email or learn more here.


Device Assistance
Library staff is available to assist you with a wide variety of computer questions including any of the above services.

What are you looking for?

The Library is closed on Monday, February 17 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 10am.

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