Request a Purchase

The East Hampton Public Library encourages community input on collection selection. An East Hampton resident seeking a specific item or items on a particular subject should submit a Purchase Request Form.

A request for purchase may be considered when:

  1. The item fits within the library’s collection development policy.
  2. That item is not owned by the East Hampton Public Library or another LION library.
  3. The copyright date is within one year of the request date and the work has received good reviews in professional journals or the title is widely considered to be classic or core as identified in The Public Library Core Collection: Non-Fiction, Fiction Core Collection, or Children’s Core Collection.
  4. The library does not have an item on the same or a similar subject.

If the library purchases the requested material, the patron who made the request will be placed on hold for the requested item. If the material is not purchased, the library will attempt to borrow the item from another library in Connecticut.

Request a Purchase

Fill out the form below to request a purchase.

Request a Purchase

Requested Item Format

What are you looking for?

The Library is closed on Monday, February 17 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 10am.

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