Our extensive collection has something for everyone. Check out our collection of over 65,000 books, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs including:
- A parenting collection in the Children’s Room to help you solve everything from potty training to the first day of school!
- A Lucky Day DVD and new book collection. We get it. Sometimes you don’t want to wait on hold for those new release books and movies. Our Lucky Day collections have no holds and no waiting. These items are among our most popular and they stay in East Hampton rather than being sent to other libraries. So, when you get the latest John Grisham book on the day it’s released, we call that ‘your lucky day’!
- Local History and Genealogy collection. Check out our local history and genealogy room and learn a little bit more about the town we call home!
- Audiobooks. We know many people commute into Hartford or Middletown for work. Why not make the ride a little bit more pleasant with an audiobook? Or take one the whole family will like for a road-tripping vacation.
Large Print. We have one of the largest Large Print collections in the area to make it more comfortable to keep reading even if your eye sight isn’t 20/20.
Can’t find what you want? That’s okay. We partner with 29 other libraries in the LION Consortium to bring you over 2.5 million items so that we can get you what you want and fast. From our catalog (Link) you can search only in East Hampton or throughout the whole consortium!