eBooks and eAudio

Looking to download a new book?  With your East Hampton Public Library card, we can help! Don’t have a library card? Gain access to these online resources and more here by registering for a library card!


Hoopla has a great collection of streaming and downloadable Movies, TV, Music, ebooks, eaudio-books, and graphic novels. With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. Compatible with all devices and phones including your smart TV or smart TV device like Roku or Firestick, it’s an easy way to take the library with you. Sign in with your East Hampton library card and borrow up to 5 items per month.



A wide variety of popular fiction and non fiction in ebooks and audio books available for download onto your phone, computer, tablet or e-reader!  Need help? Check out this Libby help page or call us at 860.267.6621.



The Palace Project

Palace combines your Libby account with the Connecticut State Library’s collection of eBooks and digital audiobooks, giving you access to more titles! Need help or want to learn more about what the Palace Project is? Check out the FAQ here.

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